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Beard mistakes to avoid

Every single beard is unique to each individual's personality & preference. However, through the trial and error of understanding your beard and what needs to be done, you’re bound to make a few mistakes! But that’s alright! A few mistakes shouldn’t completely put you off your beard game. We’ve got you covered on what to avoid!
If you’re trying to get serious about your beard, and wondering what to do. Investing in a really good beard oil would be a fantastic place to start with! Applying your beard oil daily will bring in a bunch of benefits that you’d begin to see over time.
For instance:
• Your skin under your beard will thank you for having moisturized skin as you cannot simply use face moisturizer on to the skin directly under your beard.
• Oiling your beard gives the same benefit as oiling your hair, it makes it easier to maintain! No one wants to roughly comb out beard hair, if it’s tangled and difficult.
• Say goodbye to irritation! If you find yourself scratching your beard and constantly in discomfort, this will let your skin to breathe and give you relief.
• Finally of course you’re about to have a shinier, healthier & fuller looking beard!
You’d think growing a beard is super easy, and you won’t really have to ACTUALLY brush it. If only that was the case! Brushing out your beard on a daily basis actually helps with detangling all knots and keep it neat & tidy. Plus, with a really good brush (preferably our luxury hair brush) the vegan boar bristles is designed to evenly distribute the oils. The longer your beard, the brush comes in handy because it can reach the hairs buried deep within!
We’re all guilty of this! I’m sure you can relate to dedicating a week or two for growth and eventually giving up when you don’t see immediate results.
The burning question to ask at this point is, “have I really dedicated enough time to allow my beard to reach its full potential?!” If you’re thinking “no”, then it’s time to give it another chance and give it at least a minimum of two months before seeing real results. Be patient, good things come to those who wait!
While beards take on mainstream media, we see a growing trend of beard myths surrounding it. It’s disheartening to see many who actually believe these claims and eventually giving up on their beard journey soon after hearing them!
Here’s a few we’ve come across:
• “It can get so annoying in the summer” this isn’t true, Business Insider has shown evidence that beards can actually be cooling during the summer and protects you from UV rays!
• “Shaving your beard regularly will make it grow faster” - this is unfortunately down to genetics!
• “I have a patchy beard, there’s no way I can grow a full beard” - this isn’t true! There’s always the possibility of it filling in after two months of your beard journey!
Sometimes, you spend all your focus and energy on your beard and barely pay any attention on your moustache! This is why it’s so important to even trim away any stray hair, which could be a great first start.
However you can also;
• Choose your moustache style - there’s plenty of styles to choose from!
• Use a moustache oil to tame your hairs and also make styling your moustache easier
• Just like the hair on your head, your moustache also needs to be in check and tidy!
Well... you’ve made it to the end of this blog, but if you’re wondering what is a great beard oil or a solid hairbrush for your beard. We’ve got the solution right up our sleeves! The ByErim luxury hair & beard oil has been the secret to many rocking their beard game since 2019. With 8 essential & natural oil that’s vegan, cruelty free and organic creates the most luxurious treat for your hair & beard!
Plus, our luxury hairbrush when launched, sold out in under two minutes! Our hairbrush is perfect to gently detangle and evenly distribute the oils across your hair and beard. It’s unique features such as the wooden base & vegan boar bristles is what makes the brush so special.
Our CEO, Erim Kaur, states “Our Luxury Hair & Beard Oil is the perfect addition to your haircare routine, it’s essentially a two-for-one and who wouldn’t want that?!”